5 Functions of a Team – Workshop
Is your team working effectively together? How are you currently performing? Do you want to learn how members of a truly cohesive team behave?
The groups or teams that we belong to help us generate a better sense of who we are and how we fit into a wider context. This aspect of ourselves is referred to as our ‘social identity’. The groups or teams that we work with can help to define our social identities and build a sense of belonging in the social world.
Leaders who understand and appreciate this human need of social identity create a social and psychological interconnecting web which effectively embeds their employees within their team and organisation and assists employees to feel they are part of a valued workgroup. This workshop, based on the 5 functions of a team, teaches you, the leader, how you can achieve a truly cohesive team that will ‘stick’ to your organisation.
5 Functions of a Team consists of Half and Full day packages..